MaxRAM reconfigures RAM Doubler‚Ñ¢, allowing you to:
• Triple, quadruple, quintuple, or have SIX times as much memory when using RAM Doubler from Connectix Corporation. Normally, RAM Doubler will double your RAM, but with the help of MaxRAM, you can have SIX times the installed memory. That’s right - SIX. For example, if you have 8 MB of real RAM in your Macintosh, MaxRAM will give you 48 MB of RAM. (You can also choose a lower amount, if you desire.)
• Display an indicator in the menu bar that will flash when RAM Doubler is used.
To use MaxRAM, simply double click on it, select the desired amount of RAM (and if you want the indicator on), and click Save. From now on, you’ll have much more RAM than before!!
Shareware Info
Shareware fees for a starving student: I don’t move and destroy furniture, but I would greatly appreciate a nominal $5.00 U.S. check or an international postal money order made payable to "Spencer Low," or equivalent national currency, if you use MaxRAM or appreciate MaxRAM in any way. Please do not send me international personal checks because the collection fee is more than 4 times the shareware fee. If you cannot pay the shareware fee, please spread the word on how totally cool MaxRAM is or upload MaxRAM to CompuServe, Delphi, GEnie, Internet FTP sites, local BBSs, and anywhere else you may have access to (since I cannot afford to do so) or send a postcard to:
Spencer Low
130 Windward Court
Vallejo, CA 94591
United States of America
When registering, please identify your e-mail address, Macintosh model and version number of MaxRAM. If you need the latest version of MaxRAM mailed to you, please send $5.00 U.S., a self-addressed-stamped-mailer (with $0.75 U.S. postage for domestic U.S. mail or $0.95 for international mail) and a diskette. Mailing time is generally 3-5 weeks, depending on my school schedule. I appreciate your understanding.
MaxRAM shall not be distributed in public domain/freeware software compilations. MaxRAM is copyrighted shareware with all rights reserved. Inclusion of MaxRAM with other software products requires the express written permission/authorization by the author. This restriction does not apply to bulletin boards, commercial online services such as America Online, CompuServe and Delphi, and nonprofit Macintosh user groups which hold regularly scheduled public meetings.
Purchase Order Discounts
Purchased Discount
1-9 none
10-19 10 %
20-29 20 %
30-39 30 %
40-49 40 %
50 or more 50 %
MaxRAM, to function properly, requires the following:
• RAM Doubler 1.0.1 or 1.0.2.
• System 7.0 or newer.
MaxRAM works only in conjunction with RAM Doubler with the following requirements: a 68030 or 68040 microprocessor, or a 68020 microprocessor with a PMMU, and at least 4MB of real RAM. MaxRAM does not work on older 68000 series Macintoshes that have been upgraded with an accelerator. Compact Virtual (from Connectix) or OptiMem (from Jump Development) can be used on those machines.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does MaxRAM work?
MaxRAM works by reconfiguring RAM Doubler's RAM multiplier value. Usually the multiplier value is "2", but MaxRAM allows you to increase it at the cost of speed, a trade-off that is your choice.
How do I "disable" MaxRAM?
MaxRAM is a small application that reconfigures RAM Doubler. To return RAM Doubler to its original state, simply open up MaxRAM, turn the indicator off, select the lowest amount of RAM, and click "Save."
Why would I use MaxRAM?
MaxRAM is most useful in environments with many applications that do not require extremely large amounts of memory. When multi-tasking with several programs, MaxRAM allows you to work with more programs at once. MaxRAM is also useful if software temporarily needs more memory than installed. MaxRAM lessens the effect of memory fragmentation by giving you more "blocks" of RAM. By increasing your amount of memory with MaxRAM, the memory used by the System Software has more room to expand, thus lessening the chance for potential crashes.
Does MaxRAM slow down my computer?
The speed hit of using MaxRAM depends on several factors: type of Macintosh, amount of real RAM, Disk Cache size (also known as the RAM Cache), and types of software used. When using data intensive multimedia software, MaxRAM is not the most ideal solution. For example, when recording video with an AV Macintosh, MaxRAM will drastically slow your system to a snail's pace. MaxRAM works with most "common" software. With MaxRAM, the more RAM you use, the slower your Macintosh will become.
Is MaxRAM safe? What computers has it been tested on?
The only problem I've had with MaxRAM is when UUParser loads into high memory on certain Macintoshes. To use UUParser with MaxRAM, simply open other programs to fill up RAM, so that UUParser opens in the area from 0MB to 16MB (programs try to open into memory as high as possible). I've heard that MaxRAM has a similar problem with the American Heritage Dictionary DELUXE edition. I haven't been able to test this myself, however, the American Heritage Dictionary REGULAR edition works fine on my Macintosh.
MaxRAM has been tested on the following Macintoshes:
Mac SE/30
Performa 450
Mac II
Mac IIvx
Mac LC 475
Mac IIci
Quadra 605
Quadra 610
Centris 650
Quadra 660AV
PowerBook 140
PowerBook 145
PowerBook 170
PowerBook Duo 230
PowerBook 180c
How come the indicator feature doesn't work on my Mac?
The indicator doesn't currently work on Macintoshes with square corners on the screen (like PowerBooks) since the corner is already white.
Why is MaxRAM only giving me between 8MB and 16MB of RAM?
If 32-bit Addressing is turned off, your Macintosh can only use a limited amount of RAM. By turning on 32-bit Addressing (in the Memory control panel), your Macintosh can use its full potential of RAM. Please make sure that your software is 32-bit compatible before turning on 32-bit Addressing. Please consult the Macintosh Memory Guide available from Connectix.
How come MaxRAM can't find RAM Doubler in my Extensions folder?
If RAM Doubler is disabled by an extensions manager (like Extensions Manager, Startup Manager, On Startup, Conflict Catcher II, etc.), MaxRAM will be unable to find it. Simply re-enable RAM Doubler and MaxRAM will be able to locate it.
How come MaxRAM doesn't work with my version of RAM Doubler?
MaxRAM 1.0.2 currently works with versions 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 of RAM Doubler.
Does MaxRAM work with my Power Macintosh?
Not yet.
How can I make my Mac 32-bit capable?
Some older Macs cannot use 32-bit Addressing without additional software such as MODE32 from Connectix or the 32-bit System Enabler from Apple. If your Macintosh is not 32-bit capable, installing either of these programs will allow you to turn on 32-bit Addressing. The 32-bit System Enabler requires System Software 7.1 or later. MODE32 reportedly works with either System 7 or System 7.1.
How come MaxRAM won't give me more than 256MB of RAM?
MaxRAM is currently limited to 256MB of RAM.
User Reviews
* * * * * 5 out 5 rating
Andrew Kim of ZiffNet/Mac on eWorld
"If you have RAMDoubler, you should get a copy of MaxRAM."
Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere, Low-End User EMagazine March 1994.
"...this product should be everyone's choice for shareware add-on of the year! At least one [user group] member was sufficiently impressed that it prompted his purchase of RamDoubler!"
Chris Oakes, Computer Currents April 5, 1994 issue
Tony Reveaux, MicroTimes, May 2, 1994 issue
"Just started using it, and amazed all of my friends - especially my PC buddies!"
Jer1 on America Online
Contacting LowTek Creations
Since I am a student and I am unavailable during normal business hours, the best way to reach me is by electronic mail at one of the following addresses:
America Online
CompuServe >
When contacting us, please identify your e-mail address, Macintosh model and version number of MaxRAM. For shareware payments or other correspondence:
U.S. Mail Spencer Low
LowTek Creations
130 Windward Court
Vallejo, CA 94591
Where can I get the latest LowTek software?
America Online Most LowTek software is located in the Macintosh
Utilities Forum (keyword: MUT). To find the latest
version of MaxRAM, use the software search to look
for "MaxRAM."
Anonymous FTP On the Internet, anonymous FTP to and look in the
/users/ro/spencerl/ directory. The latest versions of all
LowTek software are here. Most SUMEX mirrors also have
the latest versions of MaxRAM.
The Byte Out of (707-747-0306) - Check in Mac Power -> Software ->
the Apple BBS BOA Sftwr Library for the latest LowTek updates. Or,
contact me as "Spencer Low" on the BOA.
Where can I get RAM Doubler?
RAM Doubler is commercial software available from Connectix Corporation:
U.S. Mail Connectix Corporation
2600 Campus Drive
San Mateo, CA 94403
Voice (800) 950-5880
(415) 571-5100
Fax (415) 571-5195
America Online Command K (keyword), Connectix
CompuServe Go MACAVEN, select Section 8
AppleLink CONNECTIX Business
CONNECTIX.TS Technical Support
CONNECTIX.CS Customer Service
General Troubleshooting
If you’re having problems with MaxRAM, please be sure of the following:
• You’re running System 7 or newer.
• RAM Doubler version 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 is installed, unlocked and in the Extensions folder.
If you still can’t get MaxRAM to work, please contact LowTek Creations.
Beta Testers DreamWeavr
Mac West
Jim Cummins
Philip Cummins
Yeak Nai Siew
Ethan K. Butterfield
Brian Zimmerman
David Lohrentz
Alan D. Earhart
Jeff Shepherd
Mark H. Anbinder
Justin Kirk-Bayley
General Assistance Digu
LowTek Multimedia Department
LowTek Legal Department
Technical Assistance Justin Kirk Bayley
Larry Rosenstein
Olav Brinkmann
Greg Robbins
Bookmark CD
Internet Assistance Jim Couch
CRL Support
Noah Price
Louis Deatt
The Info-Mac Archivers
Translation Services Hiromitsu Harada, Japan
for MaxRAM 1.0
Japanese Blurb
Show Help Module James W. Walker
Legal Information
All products and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. LowTek Creations is not liable for any consequences from the use of MaxRAM. LowTek Creations makes no claims whatsoever concerning MaxRAM. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. LowTek Creations does not guarantee the information in this document to be correct. LowTek Creations is not liable for any consequences from the use of the information in this document.